Can fault be determined by car accident damage in Denver, CO?
Lawyers and police officers analyze the damage to a vehicle after an accident as it plays a crucial role in proving fault. Since the damage is not enough to establish liability, investigators have to analyze the accident scene.When a car accident lawyer examines the damage to vehicles involved in an accident, it’s possible to develop a narrative about how it happened and who is at fault.
Front-end Car Damage
Front-end damage is one of the main reasons why people take their vehicles to repair shops. The extent of the damage can range from minor collisions to fatal accidents depending on several factors.
What front end car damage implies:
- Someone pulled up in front of you
- You hit a pole to avoid a collision
- Your brakes failed
- A drunk driver hit a wall
While car damage can determine fault, a comprehensive police report is necessary. The report highlights the minor scratches, dents on the bumper, and damage to the frame or chassis. After identifying the liable party, the cost of repair becomes a key factor when determining the payout. Such damage can also arise from a head-on collision. In this case, the driver who drives on the wrong side of the road is at fault.
Back-end Car Damage
An over speeding car requires sufficient braking distance to stop or slow down to avoid a crash. However, if a distracted driver doesn’t notice the heavy traffic on time, it’s impossible to stop completely and a crash is inevitable. The main causes of back end collisions are:
- Over speeding, recklessness, or road rage
- Mechanical issues
- Driving under the influence (DUI)
- Fatigue
The vehicle may suffer various kinds of body damage and may require a new bumper, tail lights, and trunk. If someone hits you from behind, you’re never at fault regardless of why you had to stop. Rear-end collisions can cause a chain of reactions that involve several cars. The police will analyze whether the driver could have prevented the crash before determining fault.
A car might get hit on the front, side, or back. While it’s assumed that the vehicle that hit the other is at fault, it’s not always true. Most inexperienced or reckless drivers approach junctions at high speed, and they don’t have enough time to respond appropriately. These accidents occur at the main intersections as a result of:
- Failure to obey the traffic lights
- Exceeding the speed limits
- Damaged brakes
- Poor visibility
- Failure to yield the right of way
It’s almost impossible to handle a car insurance claim alone, especially if you sustain injuries and the other party blames you for the accident. Determining who’s at fault in such a scenario is extremely difficult, and that’s why you need a competent Denver personal injury lawyer to undertake a thorough investigation.
Side-sweep accidents happen when drivers change lanes inappropriately. The car that leaves its lane is usually at fault for causing the accident.
Rollover Accident
When a car rolls over because it cannot stop, the brakes are culpable. The steering wheel can also lock and cause the car to move in one trajectory instead of turning when needed. A combination of brakes and steering defects can also result in collisions and injuries. Common causes of rollover accidents include:
- Tire bursts
- Unevenly inflated tires
- Reckless driving
- Defective ABS brakes
- Swerving the car at a high speed
In most cases, the roof will get damaged. When the car’s defects contribute to the rollover accident, a lawyer can establish whether the driver, owner, or manufacturer is liable. If the accident results from a combination of defects, the lawyer will analyze the situation carefully and determine the amount of damage every defect caused.
Windshield Damage
Windshields are made of fragile glass and plastic materials, so they cannot withstand pressure during a crash. If your windshield gets damaged during the crash, you need to replace it immediately as it can escalate or impair your vision. Such damage can occur after:
- A vehicle kicks up debris and breaks your windshield
- A truck drops a ladder or rocks onto your vehicle
Drivers should either avoid such roads or follow such vehicles at a safe distance. Windshield damage is difficult to prove without the assistance of an attorney.The attorney can gather evidence from expert witnesses and present a claim. In Colorado, comprehensive insurance policies cover the repair costs for windshield replacement.
Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney
Car damage and witnesses are crucial when determining fault in accidents. If the fault is not clear after analyzing the damage, the footage from traffic cameras can assign responsibility. The lawyer will collect enough evidence to link the damage to the liable party.After assessing the damage to the car and physical injuries, the attorney will embark on a settlement arbitration to pursue compensation for the client.
Has your car been damaged in an accident? Contact us today, and we’ll get you the compensation that you deserve.Related articles:Is it Worth Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer?This is What Happens if You Total a Financed Car in ColoradoContact our Denver Car Accident Law Firm Today For HelpFor more information please contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation with a Denver car accident lawyer.Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers
1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120. Denver, CO 80202
(720) 613 9706