Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

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Denver Breast Implant Recall Lawyer

denver breast implant recall lawyer

In Denver, Colorado, where cosmetic procedures are on the rise, more people are exploring options to enhance their appearance. Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammaplasty, is a type of surgery that typically involves using implants or fat transfers to change the look of a patient’s breasts. 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery’s Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, just under 102,000 Americans had breast reconstructive surgery in 2018. This category includes implants, such as silicone and saline, with over 13,200 people that had implants alone. 

In many cases, breast implants do not last an entire lifetime, and often require regular examinations or additional surgeries to ensure the safest results. 

Types of Breast Implants

There are a number of different implant manufacturers in the world, including GC Aesthetics, CEREPLAS, and Allergan. 

According to the FDA, breast implants usually fall into one of two categories: 


These are implants that are typically filled with saltwater, otherwise known as saline, solution and come in a variety of different sizes and textures. These implants can either come pre-filled or can be filled during the course of an operation. These are approved for patients 18 years and older. 


These are implants that are filled with a silicone gel, enveloped in a silicone outer shell. Like saline, silicone implants can come in a variety of textures and sizes as well. These are approved for patients 22 and older. 

Allergan and the FDA

In June 2019, Allergan was asked by the FDA to recall all of its BIOCELL textured breast implants, due to data that showed a link between these implant types and breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma, otherwise known as BIA-ALCL. 

Breast implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a cancer that often develops around breast implants, and can occur in both saline and silicone implants. 

If caught early, it’s often treatable, and typically occurs with a number of symptoms, which can include:

  • Hardening of the affected breast or breasts
  • Lumps
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Breast tenderness or pain 
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

What Should You Do if You or Someone You Love Has Developed BIA-ALCL with your Allergan implants, or is Experiencing Undiagnosed Issues? 

  1. Make a doctor’s appointment.
    If you have not been diagnosed with BIA-ALCL, but are experiencing symptoms that could be related to its development, make a doctor’s appointment right away. Likewise, if you have seen a doctor and have already been diagnosed, keep up with your appointments and follow recommendations.
  2. Document all doctor appointments, follow-ups, and time missed from work.
    Although this may not be top-of-mind as you’re in the process of getting checked, or going through treatments, this is an important step in understanding the toll the situation has taken on you, your life, and any losses that have occurred.
  3. Contact a lawyer
    As soon as you can, get in touch with an attorney that you can trust. This is imperative to ensuring you know all of your options, getting all of your questions answered, and determining if Allergan is potentially responsible for your illness. 

An Attorney at Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers can help to protect your rights and fight for you.

Contact a Denver Attorney from Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers for a free and confidential consultation at (720) 613-9706, or complete our Free Case Evaluation Form and we’ll reach out to you. 


Where We Are

We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.