Denver Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident in Denver, CO? Our experienced Denver motorcycle accident attorneys from Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers are ready to help you earn the compensation you deserve. Call (720) 613-9706 to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation.
Motorcycle injuries often range from extremely serious to catastrophic. Without the benefit of a protective frame or seatbelt, motorcyclists often take a direct strike during a crash. Worse, many drivers have an unfair bias against motorcyclists, which often leads to road rage collisions, traffic violations, and serious injuries.
At Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers, we stand up for people who seem to have the odds stacked against them. As formidable leaders and relentless advocates, we’re proud to represent injured Coloradans against the modern-day Goliaths of the insurance industry.
We handle personal injury cases in Colorado including Denver car accidents, truck accidents, brain injuries, slip and fall accidents, pedestrian accidents, and more, contact our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys today for help.
Steps to take after being in a motorcycle accident in Denver

1. Get to a safer location
There’s a reason we don’t say “get yourself and your bike to a safer location.” After the accident, leave your motorcycle where it is and find a safe spot away from the road to call the police and check yourself for injuries.
The most important thing to do is to remove yourself from harm’s way, and staying on or beside your bike is not safe.
2. Keep on your safety gear
Fight the urge to remove your helmet and other safety gear until – and only until – you’re away from the scene of the crash in a safe location. In a serious crash, keep on your safety gear until emergency services arrive. Adrenaline may mask injuries that could become more serious by hastily removing your helmet or boots.
3. Call 911
Steps 1-3 will ideally occur within minutes of each other, so as soon as you get to a safer location, call or have someone else call 911. Ask for a police officer and an ambulance, even if you don’t think you’re seriously hurt. Adrenaline can mask injuries, and you don’t want to be alone without medical attention when symptoms do appear.
When the police officer arrives, tell them your side of the story. Explain what you saw and heard in the moments leading up to the crash. The officer will create a report that will be invaluable to your case.
Police reports cannot be used as evidence in court, but they can be used in support of your story when meeting with insurance.
4. Gather evidence at the scene
If and only if it’s safe to do so, gather evidence from the scene in support of your story. Evidence is crucial in a motor vehicle crash, especially in motorcycle accidents where insurance companies often have an unfair bias against bikers.
Take photos of the crash scene, including damage to your bike, stop lights and traffic signs, and any indicators of reckless driving (skid marks, damaged signs and fences, etc.)
5. Visit your doctor
Actually, the most important piece of evidence is your medical bills and notes from your doctor about follow-up care. As soon as you can, visit an Urgent Care or your primary care physician, even if you had to go to the emergency room.
The fact that you’ve visited at least one medical professional will help support your case and improve your chances for financial recovery. Make sure you hold on to all medical bills, invoices, and statements that you receive.
6. Hire a Denver motorcycle accident attorney
You can call an attorney at any point, but we’ve made this the last step because it’s the least physically urgent. The priority is getting the medical care you need and gathering evidence at the scene that will disappear in a matter of hours.
But once the dust settles, waste no time speaking with a lawyer. Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers offers no-cost, no-obligation consultations, so you have absolutely nothing to lose by giving us a call. If you have a case, we’ll fight relentlessly on your behalf for the full compensation that can pay your medical bills, lost income, and more. Call (720) 613-9706 now for your free consultation.
Damages you can claim

You have the right to pursue compensation from the driver(s) who caused the accident that led to your injuries. Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to recover compensation for:
- Past and future related medical expenses
- Lost wages and lost future earnings
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of quality of life
- And more
At Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers our team of Denver motorcycle accident lawyers is committed to making certain that the victims of motorcycle accidents and their families get what they need and deserve in the wake of a wreck.
Parties who may be liable for your motorcycle injuries
After a motorcycle accident and injury, it is vital to find out who or what caused the accident–keeping in mind that more than one party could be responsible for the collision.
Driver of the other vehicle
The driver of another vehicle is at fault in about half of all car-motorcycle collisions. The most common reasons include not seeing the motorcycle, distracted driving, speeding, reckless driving, fatigued driving, or driving under the influence.
Motorcycle driver
Motorcycle drivers are also at fault in about half of the crashes. They may have been speeding, violated a traffic law, riding under the influence, riding recklessly, or riding tired.
A municipality
Some motorcycle wrecks take place because of poor road design or poor road conditions (potholes, road construction, etc.). In these cases, the party responsible for maintaining the road may be responsible for your injuries and property damage.
Auto manufacturer
If your motorcycle accident was caused by a defective motorcycle part, such as a bad tire, the manufacturer of the part may be at fault–and may already be facing lawsuits from other riders.
If a mechanic works on your bike in a negligent manner, he or she may be responsible for the resulting crash, along with its monetary consequences.
You may collect damages even if you were partially at fault
Colorado is a comparative fault state. That means that even if you were partially at fault for the motorcycle accident, you can still collect a percentage of the compensation, based proportionally on how responsible you were for the crash and how responsible other parties were for the crash.
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, call now to speak with an experienced Denver motorcycle accident attorney. Our lawyers are here to help.
Colorado motorcycle laws

In order to minimize your chances of a motorcycle accident or motorcycle accident injury, as well as to avoid traffic violations, it is important to follow all Colorado motorcycle laws.
While motorcycle riders are generally asked to follow the same rules of the road as other vehicles, there are a few specific laws that pertain only to them:
Helmet law
Motorcycle riders are not required to wear a helmet if they are over the age of 18. If they are under the age of 18, they are required to wear a helmet approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT).
Eye protection law
Motorcycle riders are required to wear some form of eye protection, not including a motorcycle windshield. Eye protection could include a helmet visor, visor, goggles, or glasses made of safety glass or plastic.
While bikers must follow the rules of the road, it’s just as important for other drivers to respect motorcyclists’ right to ride. Learn more about your rights as a motorcyclist in Colorado.
Common motorcycle accident injuries
Specifically, motorcyclists may suffer from the following injuries after a crash:
- Concussion and traumatic brain injury
- Neck, back, and spine injuries
- Broken bones and fractures
- Road rash
- Blunt force trauma
- Internal injuries
These injuries can be painful, stressful, and expensive. Some can lead to permanent disabilities and some may even be fatal. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident in Colorado, and someone else was at fault, call our Denver motorcycle accident attorneys today.
Common causes of motorcycle accidents
It’s a big misconception that the vast majority of motorcycle accidents are the fault of reckless motorcyclists who don’t ride by the rules. In fact, motorcycle riders are only at fault in about 50 percent of motorcycle-car collisions. What are the most common causes of motorcycle wrecks?
Left turns
One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is cars turning left in front of motorcycles at intersections–either because they don’t see the oncoming bike or because they are distracted. These crashes can be extremely devastating to motorcycle riders, who usually have little time to break before slamming into the car.
Lane changes
Motorcycles are much smaller than cars and can disappear into blind spots easily. For uncareful drivers, it’s all too common to merge or switch lanes directly into the path of a motorcycle.
Following too closely
When two cars are involved in a rear-end accident, the outcome is usually a minor fender-bender. But for crashes where the back vehicle is a motorcycle, the results can include head, neck, and spine injuries–including fatal injuries.
Reckless driving
Reckless driving by both those on motorcycles and those in other vehicles can lead to motorcycle accidents. When motorcycle riders speed or drive recklessly, it can be easy to lose control of the bike, causing an accident.
Distracted driving
Distracted driving can cause any kind of traffic accident, but it is especially common when a distracted driver of a car fails to see a motorcycle on the road. Keeping both your eyes and mind on the road is vital to preventing motorcycle accidents.
Fatigued driving
Driving while tired can mean not being able to concentrate on the road or worse, falling asleep while operating a vehicle. Fatigued driving, along with drunk driving, is the reason that a large percentage of wrecks take place in the early morning and late at night.
Driving under the influence
About 35 percent of motorcycle accidents involve alcohol or drugs–that’s about the same amount as all traffic accidents in general. Riding a motorbike requires a significant amount of hand-eye coordination and concentration, and even a beer or two can affect your ability to ride safely.
Road conditions
Because motorcycles have two wheels instead of four or more, they are much less stable than other vehicles. Poor road conditions, including wet roads, icy roads, poorly maintained roads, or road construction, can all cause a biker to lose control and crash. In some cases, the fault of these crashes lies with the party responsible for maintaining the roads.
Once you’ve recovered and are ready to get back on the road, make sure to review 4 tips for avoiding motorcycle accidents.
Our experienced Denver motorcycle accident lawyers are ready to help
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, or if your loved one has been killed in a motorcycle accident in Colorado, it is imperative to know why the crash occurred and who is responsible for its consequences. Be sure to note, at-fault parties may not be who they seem.
Motorcycle accident and injury cases are different than other traffic accident cases: motorcycle collisions have different common causes, different common injuries, and different liable parties. It is important that your Denver, CO motorcycle lawyer is intimate with these differences.
At Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers, our team of Denver motorcycle accident attorneys has specific experience with motorcycle accident and injury cases as well as motorcycle wrongful death cases. To schedule a private, free consultation with one of our attorneys today, please contact our office at (720) 613-9706.
Denver emergency rooms
- Saint Joseph Hospital Emergency Room – 1375 E 19th Ave, Denver, CO 80218
- Denver Health Emergency Department – 777 Bannock St Pavilion A, Denver, CO 80204
- Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center Emergency Room – 2001 High St, Denver, CO 80205
Visit Our Personal Injury Law Office in Denver, CO
Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers – Denver Office
1610 Wynkoop Street. Suite 120. Denver, CO. 80202
(720) 613-9706