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Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

The recognized leaders in personal injury law

Denver Tractor Trailer Tire Blowouts Lawyer 

Denver Tractor Trailer Tire Blowouts Lawyer

Accidents involving semi-trucks and tractor-trailers are complex personal injury cases. Trucking companies and insurance providers aggressively fight claims to avoid paying damages. At Zaner Harden Law, our lawyers have experience handling truck accident cases in Denver, Colorado.

Experience is important when hiring a Denver tractor trailer tire blowouts lawyer. At Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers our Denver tractor trailer tire blowout attorneys have decades of combined experience. We have won millions of dollars for our clients, including the largest personal injury verdicts in the state in 2018 and 2021. Local and national media outlets have reported our verdicts.

The consequences of a tractor trailer tire blowout accident can be devastating for the victims. Our truck accident lawyers in Denver, CO, are ready to fight for your right to fair compensation.

Call Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers at at (720) 613-9706 today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced Denver tractor trailer tire blowout accident lawyers.

How Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help After a Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accident in Colorado

How Zaner Harden Law Can Help After a Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accident in Colorado

Tractor-trailer truck accidents may involve multiple vehicles. The crashes often result in catastrophic injuries and wrongful deaths. Our skilled and experienced Denver truck accident attorneys handle all types of truck accident claims.

When you hire our top-rated Denver personal injury lawyers, we will:

  • Conduct a thorough investigation to determine how the truck accident occurred and why the tire blew out
  • Identify all parties who could be liable for your damages
  • File insurance claims and handle the insurance company, trucking company, and other parties
  • Obtain and carefully review the evidence and reports completed by local and state law enforcement offices and other government agencies
  • Work with the leading experts in the trucking industry to gather evidence proving fault and liability
  • Assess your damages to calculate how much your truck accident case is worth
  • Negotiate with the insurance company and responsible parties for fair settlements
  • File a lawsuit and take your case to court if necessary

Our Denver personal injury lawyers have received numerous awards and top ratings from local and national organizations. They are recognized by the Top 100 National Trial Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Best Lawyers. Our legal team consists of seasoned trial lawyers and skilled negotiators who fight to get you the maximum compensation available for your tractor trailer tire blowout accident claim.

If you or a family member were injured because of a tractor-trailer tire blowout in Denver, CO, call Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers to talk with a Denver tractor trailer tire blowout accident attorney. Your initial consultation is always free.

Why Do Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accidents Happen in Colorado?

Thousands of people are injured or killed in large truck accidents each year. There are many reasons why a semi-truck crashes, including blown-out tires. 

A tractor-trailer tire blowout can occur because of the following:

  • Inadequate servicing of truck tires
  • Over-inflating or under-inflating truck tires
  • Faulty or defective truck tires
  • Issues with the tire tread (separation)
  • Poor road conditions
  • Incorrectly installed truck tires
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Failing to replace or repair damaged tires
  • Improperly loaded cargo/overloaded cargo

When a truck tire blows out, a skilled truck driver can usually safely maneuver the truck to the shoulder of the road. Inexperienced truck drivers are often unprepared to deal with a tire blowout and lose control of the truck.

However, even the most skilled truck driver may be unable to control the truck when a tire blows out. Tractor-trailer tire blowouts can cause jackknife, rollover, and head-on truck accidents. The metal and materials from the blown-out tire spread across the road, increasing the risk that other motorists may cause a car accident.

Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accidents Cause Severe Injuries for Victims

A semi-truck accident often results in catastrophic injuries for the occupants of other vehicles. A passenger vehicle is not built to withstand an impact with an 80,000-pound truck. 

Therefore, tractor trailer tire blowout accidents can cause life-altering injuries, including:

Your injuries can result in significant medical bills, lost wages, and out-of-pocket expenses. You may experience severe and debilitating pain and suffering.

If you were injured in a tractor trailer tire blowout accident in Denver, you could be entitled to compensation for your economic damages and non-economic damages. Call Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers to discuss how much your claim is worth.

Who Is Responsible for Damages Caused by a Denver Tractor Trailer Tire Blowout Accident?

Several parties could share liability for the damages caused by a tire blowout accident. All parties involved in operating the truck are responsible for tire safety.

Our lawyers analyze the evidence to identify all parties who could share liability. 

The parties who may be liable for your damages include:

  • Truck drivers
  • Owners of tractor-trailers
  • Trucking companies
  • Tire manufacturers
  • Repair and maintenance facilities
  • Loaders and shippers

We pursue each party who contributed to the cause of the accident. Our lawyers exhaust every source of compensation to maximize the money you receive for your claim.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Truck Accident Law Firm in Denver

Tractor-trailer tire blowouts are dangerous. If you were injured in an accident with a big rig in Denver, CO, we want to help. Call Zaner Harden Personal Injury Lawyers to request a free case review from an experienced Denver tractor trailer tire blowout lawyer. Let us deal with the legal matters while you focus on your recovery.

Where We Are

We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.