How will I pay for my medical bills if I don’t have health insurance?
Recovery is the hardest part when you’re the victim of an accident. Your focus needs to be on getting better, and worrying about the cost of your medical care only compounds your stress and delays your healing. This is especially true if you do not have health insurance.
You might think that you cannot afford to go to the doctor, but you can and must. If you are injured, you should never ignore the problem and hope that it just goes away. This only causes the initial injury to become worse and increases the possibility of additional injury.
Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers can put you in touch with a medical lien company that will provide you access to the best doctors in Colorado, so you can receive the medical care you need for your accident injuries without having to pay anything upfront. We do this because we believe that you are entitled to the best medical care available, particularly since you didn’t cause your injuries, and medical lien companies can help.
Your medical bills are figured into the final settlement of your accident claim. Including the numbers in your settlement amount ensures that you do not have to pay your hospital bills out of your pocket, which is something you should not have to do if you were injured by someone else.
The person who caused your injury is the person who should be responsible for your recovery. You will have to pay the medical lien company back out of your settlement but we will work with them to reduce your bills and make sure you pay them less and take home more.
The amount of time you have to file a claim against the person who injured you and/or his or her insurance company depends on the type of accident in which you were involved. For automobile accidents, you have three years from the date of the incident to file your claim; most other personal injury claims must be filed within two years from the date of your accident. This gives you plenty of time to heal, which is critical in determining the final amount of your medical bills.
Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers believes it is essential that you have this time to heal. We will not push you into settling your accident claim too early, because additional medical expenses might occur weeks and even months after your accident.
We want to make certain that you receive all of the compensation you are entitled to for all of your medical expenses, and sometimes we have to wait until you are fully recovered to know whether you will require additional medical care in the future.
Contact Our Denver Personal Injury Law Firm Today For Help
If you’ve suffered a personal injury and require medical care but do not have the health insurance to cover your treatment, contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers.
We specialize in helping accident victims in Colorado, and we are here to help you recover from your accident with the least amount of stress possible. Your focus should be on getting better; we’ll take care of the rest.
Learn more at:
Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers
1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120. Denver, CO 80202
(720) 806 4036