Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

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Many Motorists Unaware That They Are Texting While Driving

Far too many motorists are using their cell phones “automatically” while driving, without being aware that they are 3 doing so.  According to a study conducted by the University Of Michigan, in many cases, people do show automatic behavior when it comes to their cell phones, picking up their cell phones and using them to read text messages without even realizing that they’re doing so.


This is probably one of the reasons why so many people deny that they use cell phones while driving, while ne look at actual traffic records and accident rates seems to indicate a different picture.  Many motorists are likely picking up their cell phones, and using it to check messages or type messages or even dial cell phones and have conversations, without really considering this “cell phone use.”


This is an intriguing concept, and it does provide more clues about why cell phone bans and texting bans that are in place in so many states have not been as successful as expected.


The University Of Michigan researchers investigated the role of unconscious thought processes when motorists used their cell phones at the wheel.  This is an entirely new innovative approach to the study of cell phone use while driving.  While there are several studies into cell phone while driving practices, this seems to be the first time that investigators have actually focused on habit, and automaticity affecting a person’s tendency to become a cell phone and read a message on response to a call.


The researchers believe that after a certain point of time, using a set picking up her cell phone with my prose to deliver a message, or respond to a call become so automatic, that a driver might do so without even thinking twice about it.

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For more information please contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation with a Denver car accident lawyer.


Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers

1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120. Denver, CO 80202
(720) 613 9706


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