Review Shows Exercise Helpful in Preventing Fall Accidents among Seniors
An analysis of a wide body of research into the prevention of fall accidents involving seniors indicates that a balanced exercise program can help seniors reduce their risk of falls.
The researchers reviewed 159 studies that were conducted on fall prevention programs. The studies involved the participation of more than 79,000 seniors.
Some earlier studies have suggested that the use of vitamin D supplements to help boost muscular strength can help reduce the risk of falls involving seniors.
However, the review found that this isn’t the case. Additionally, the review found that seniors wearing glasses for the very first time were also at a much higher risk of falls.
Seniors who participated in an exercise program that included components of tai chi seemed to have their fall accidents cut substantially.
Other components that helped reduce the risk of falls, according to the review, were an assessment of the safety of the senior’s living facilities like the home, as well as modification of home safety features to reduce falls.
Making a home fall-safe for senior citizens is extremely important. Many seniors now prefer to live at home and live independent lives.
The floors of these homes must be free of obstructions and clutter and must be high-traction in order to reduce the risks of a slip and fall accident.
Bathrooms and shower areas are fall magnets, and these areas must be fitted with railings and grab bars as well as bath mats. Staircases must be well fitted, well-maintained, and come with sturdy railings.
What the review does conclude is that it is possible to prevent fall accidents involving senior citizens. Such prevention is important when you consider that the cost of fall accidents every year is more than $20 billion. Learn more at:
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(720) 613 9706