Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

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Simple Integrated Exercises Can Help Reduce Falls

An integrated exercise program that includes basic, simple exercises that a person can perform while he is engaging in his daily activities, can help increase balance and strength training, and reduce the risk of fall accidents involving senior citizens.


Preventing and reducing the risk of fall accidents among seniors is one of the major challenges facing geriatric health experts.  Fall accidents among seniors can be deadly.


Seniors may be at a much higher risk of falls because of an increased risk of osteoporosis as they get older, which increases the risks of suffering fractures during a fall.


Additionally, there are age-related factors, like reduced visibility, poor coordination and balance that also increase the risk of slip and fall accidents among senior citizens.


Fall accidents can have severe effects on a senior’s health.  A senior citizen who has suffered a fall accident is at a much higher risk of suffering a fracture or multiple fractures.


Additionally, fractures take a much longer time to heal in a senior.  According to one study, the risk of fatality for a senior increases substantially in the one year after he has suffered a hip fracture.


All of this explains why so much research is being conducted into the mitigation of fall risks involving seniors.  According to new research that has been published in the British Medical Journal, seniors who were put through a Lifestyle Integrated Functional Exercise program, were found to have a much lower risk of falls than those who underwent a structured exercise program a couple of times a week.


The Lifestyle Integrated Functional Exercise program involves a series of basic routine activities like squatting or standing one leg that a senior can perform while he is going about his daily duties.  Researchers believe that this helps improve balance and strength training, thereby reducing the risk of a slip and fall.


Contact our Denver Slip and Fall Accident Law Firm Today For Help

For more information please contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation with a Denver slip & fall accident lawyer.


Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers

1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120. Denver, CO 80202
(720) 613 9706


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We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.