Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

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What to do if you were in a hit-and-run on a motorcycle in Denver, CO

Being hit on your bike is bad enough, but what if the driver simply leaves the scene? Don’t assume you’re out of options – your Denver motorcycle accident lawyer from Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers will work hard to recover maximum compensation on your behalf.

hit and run motorcycle

To schedule your free consultation and learn more about how we may be able to help, please contact us online or give us a call at (720) 613-9706.

The following is some information on what to do if you’ve been hit by a negligent motorist while on your motorcycle. 

Your safety is the priority

Accident scenes are chaotic. If possible, move your bike to the side of the road and wait there. Other drivers may not have seen the crash, and you’ll have a safe spot to wait for the police.

Call 911

After you’re in a safe location, or even if you’re unable to move to a safe location, call 911 to report the accident and get medical attention. If you can remember details of the person or car who hit you, report it to the dispatcher while it’s fresh in your mind.

Stay at the scene until the police and medical personnel arrive. Even if you think you feel fine, don’t refuse medical help – that could be dangerous to your health, and it could also damage your case.

When you speak with the officer, tell them exactly what happened to the best of your ability. Again, it’s difficult for many people in the wake of an accident to be calm and coherent, but try to do this to the best of your ability because it could have a major impact on your case.

If the other driver didn’t stay at the scene, report everything you can about their car or a description of the driver to the police. The police might be able to get additional information about the car from witnesses or from nearby surveillance cameras. 

Why getting medical help is so important

There are many serious injuries that won’t exhibit symptoms for hours or even days. You could have a severe back or neck injury and not realize it right away. If you don’t get medical treatment and simply go home or resume your daily life, those symptoms and your injury can potentially worsen.

Refusing medical treatment could also hurt your chances of obtaining compensation in an insurance claim or lawsuit. When the at-fault driver is identified and their insurance has been contacted, they could claim that you weren’t really as badly hurt as you’re alleging since you didn’t seek medical treatment. 

They might argue that your injuries predated the accident and you’re simply trying to get the insurer to foot your medical bills. Unfortunately, if you don’t see a doctor right after the accident, those arguments could work and mean the end of your case.

Document what happened

If it’s safe to do so, take pictures and videos of the accident scene while you’re waiting for the police and medical help. Get pictures of the damage to your bike, as well as pictures of  the road surface and weather conditions.

This could provide critically important clues as to how the accident took place. For example, fresh skid marks could show that the driver was driving too fast and slammed on their brakes in an attempt to avoid hitting you. 

If there were witnesses, get their names and contact information. Don’t worry about trying to interview them, your attorney will contact them to obtain their statement as part of their investigation.

motorcycle accident hit and run denver

Dealing with insurance companies

After you’ve obtained immediate medical attention and treatment, report the accident to your insurance company, especially if the at-fault driver fled the scene. They’ll begin their own investigation and will use the coverage in your policy to assist you until the other driver is found.

When the at-fault driver is identified and located, their insurance company will likely try to contact you. Don’t provide them with any information other than the contact information for your Denver motorcycle accident lawyer because their adjuster will try to trick you into accepting at least some blame for the accident so they can avoid as much liability as possible.

Our motorcycle accident lawyers are here to help

Please don’t try to obtain compensation through an insurance claim or lawsuit on your own. Instead, hire a skilled attorney from Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers where we can put our years of knowledge and experience toward helping you receive the compensation you deserve.  

Contact our Denver law firm online or call (720) 613-9706 to schedule your free consultation. 

Contact our Denver Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers Today

For more information please contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation with a Denver motorcycle accident lawyer.

Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers

1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120. Denver, CO 80202
(720) 613 9706
Hours: 24/7


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We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.

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