Driver With 13 DUIs in Colorado Charged Again
Drunk driving in Colorado is still a serious problem, causing the deaths of more than 150 people in related crashes annually, according to the Colorado Department of Transportation.
CDOT reports that more than 26,000 people are arrested for DUI each year, despite Colorado’s tough stance on drunk driving. Under state laws, drivers charged with DUI can face jail time, fines and license suspension, even if it’s just their first offense.
With such strict penalties in place, it is only natural to assume that drunk driving isn’t a major issue in the state. Unfortunately, the figures outlined above and the case of Kyle Peter Cain prove otherwise.
Driver Charged With DUI for an Incredible 14th Time
According to 9News, Kyle Peter Cain has been repeatedly charged with DUI in Colorado, bouncing in and out of jail because of it since 1987. On September 27, 2015, Cain was arrested while driving his motorcycle on Interstate 70 after being stopped by state trooper.
The trooper reported that Cain was slurring his words and mumbling at the time of arrest, and that he had no valid license because his was revoked in 2012 for repeated traffic offenses. Cain’s record showed that he already had an astounding 13 arrests for driving while impaired and DUI at the time of this new incident.
This comes on the heels of Colorado’s move to make a fourth DUI offense a Class 4 felony. Drivers like Cain who have repeated DUI charges now face a fine of up to $500,000 and a jail sentence of up to six years. However, 9News reports that Cain said he didn’t think the harsher penalties would stop drivers who have been drinking from getting behind the wheel because their judgment is gone when the time comes to make the decision to drive.
Drunk Driving: The Awful Consequences
Unfortunately, Cain could very well be right. Drivers with poor judgment and drinking problems might still get behind the wheel despite Colorado’s stronger penalties for repeat offenders. Victims of drunk drivers suffer terrible consequences, from minor to serious injuries, permanent loss of limbs, physical impairment, or even death.
The tragedies are covered by the media on a near-daily basis, from the 38-year-old husband and father killed by a drunk driver while riding his bike on Lookout Mountain to the drunk driver who hit and killed an entire family on Highway 85.
No matter how careful of a driver you are, some things on the road are out of your control; this includes the behavior of other drivers. Someone driving under the influence can cause serious harm to you and your family, and all you can do is make sure the driver faces consequences for his or her actions and that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to under state law.
If you’ve been the victim of a drunk driver in Colorado, contact Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers today by calling 303-563-5354. Learn more at:
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