Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

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What to Do if You Hit a Deer in Colorado  

Collisions between cars and animals are more common than we think. Colorado roadways wind through the natural habitats of deer, squirrels, birds, and other wildlife. It is unavoidable that some animals will be hit by vehicles from time to time. When a deer darts into the road, drivers can strike the animal despite their best efforts to avoid a collision. 

The risks of hitting a deer depend on the area where you live, the time of year, and the time of day. Deer tend to move more frequently between late fall and early winter in Colorado. The hours around dawn and dusk are also noted for high levels of deer activity. Most drivers in deer-car collisions find the accident happens suddenly, without time to think or avoid the crash. 

Insurance companies estimate they receive over 1 million deer accident claims each year. The damage inflicted by a deer when it hits a vehicle can be tremendous. If you hit a deer with your vehicle, you should follow the steps below. If you were injured in any type of car accident in Denver, a personal injury lawyer can help.

Move Your Vehicle to Safety 

If your car is still on the road and is operable, turn on your hazard lights and move to the side of the road. Deer accidents often happen at dusk or dawn, when visibility is low, and other drivers might have a hard time seeing you. Focus on your safety to avoid making matters worse. 

Call for Help from Law Enforcement 

Don’t hesitate to call 911 or local EMT services for help at the scene. If you are injured or if your vehicle is seriously damaged, first responders can help treat you and get your car to safety. If the deer is still on the road, it can pose a threat to other drivers. 

Law enforcement will help make sure the deer does not cause further damage. A police report from the car accident scene can also be useful when you need to make an insurance claim. 

Document the Scene 

If you are physically able to and have a smartphone or camera, take photos and video of the accident scene. Documenting the scene can help later if there is any confusion about what happened. If there are eyewitnesses, try to get their contact information as well. 

Stay Away from the Deer 

You might feel the need to check on the deer if it is still alive and moving. However, injured animals such as deer can be dangerous when shocked and injured. Wait for help to arrive. Law enforcement officers with experience in these situations will know how to handle the deer. 

Don’t Assume Your Vehicle Is Safe to Drive After the Accident 

Even if it appears your vehicle suffered exterior or cosmetic damage, problematic issues can hide under the surface. Check for leaking fluids, tire damage, loose parts, and other issues that can be signs of further damage. If anything appears concerning, don’t hesitate to call for a tow. 

Report the Accident

Colorado law requires drivers to report accidents that involve any type of injury or property damage. Failure to report your accident and leaving the scene can lead to fines or even a criminal charge. Make sure to call emergency services with your name and the location of the accident when it happens. While hitting a deer is not a criminal act, leaving the scene without calling could create unexpected issues. 

A Car Accident Lawyer Can Help if You Hit a Deer

Car accidents involving deer are common in the Denver, Colorado area. Often, a collision between a deer and a vehicle happens quickly and unexpectedly. Drivers can find it impossible to avoid crashes in many cases due to how quickly deer move. 

If you were involved in any type of car accident on Colorado’s roads, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help. Schedule your free consultation today. 

Contact our Dallas Car Accident Attorneys at Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers in Denver. Call us at (720) 613 9706

For more information, please contact the Dallas Car Accident lawyers at Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation with a Denver personal injury lawyer.

We are located in Denver, CO, proudly serving all of Denver County.

Zaner Law Personal Injury Lawyers
1610 Wynkoop Street, Suite 120.
Denver, CO 80202
(720) 613 9706

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