Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

The recognized leaders in personal injury law

Bicycle Accident

What you need to know about Colorado’s bicycle laws

Colorado has long been a great place for bicyclists to explore the outdoors, but bicycling in our beautiful state also has its dangers. To stay safe (and legal), both bicyclists and motor vehicle drivers should be aware of Colorado’s bicycle laws. Our Denver bicycle accident attorneys have summarized the main points of the law to […]

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Cycling in Colorado: What You Need to Know

With beautiful weather and scenery, it’s no wonder why Colorado is known for being a cyclist-friendly state. With the new Idaho Stop Law, biking in the Centennial State just got even friendlier. What is the Idaho Stop Law? Idaho Stop, a law originating from Idaho, is a rule that allows cyclists to treat a stop […]

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Bicycle Danger Zones: What You Need to Know

Even trained and experienced bicyclists can get into trouble when it comes to other vehicles on the road. Professional cyclist Taylor Phinney from Boulder, Colorado, was injured in May during the US Cycling Championship in Tennessee. Now back home, Phinney was injured when he lost control of his bike after a motorcyclist acting as referee […]

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So, You’ve Been in a Bike Accident… Here’s what to Do

Bike accidents are common all over the United States, even in Colorado where it is popular to bike ride against the state’s scenic landscapes to enjoy its majestic beauty. In fact, Denver was in the midst of all-time record high for bike accidents in 2012 with over 200 reported by mid-year. In August of 2013, […]

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Safe Biking in Colorado

Unfortunately, the increased presence of bicycle riders on roads across the country has not eliminated accidents with motorists. According to a report released by The League of American Cyclists, the number of fatal bike/motorist accidents has actually risen over the last three years, with 40 percent of fatalities involving a bicyclist being hit by a […]

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Colorado’s Bicycling Guide

The Colorado Department of Transportation’s guide for bicyclists, The Colorado Bicycling Manual, is more than just a biking rulebook. You’ll find a wealth of information in the publication about common bicycle accidents suffered by both child and adult riders and what to do if you are involved in a bicycling accident. Child vs. Adult Rider […]

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Increase in Bicyclists Leads to Fewer Accidents, Injuries

A study out of Europe shows exactly how updated bicycle infrastructure and policies that protect bicyclists can help reduce the risk of injuries involving bicyclists.  In several European countries, the population of bicyclists has grown exponentially, but the number of accident fatalities has not increased.  Compare that to the United States, where, in many states, […]

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Revolutionary Bicycle Helmet Design Could Increase Usage Rates

A pair of Swedish scientists has designed a revolutionary new bicycle helmet design that is generating plenty of attention among bicycling groups. The helmet design aims to target some of the key reasons that bicyclists give for not wearing helmets – lack of comfort, and the fact that it messes up your hair.  The “invisible” […]

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Colorado Motorist Cited after Harassment Video Goes Viral

The Colorado State Patrol has confirmed that a motorist, who was captured on video honking nonstop at a bicyclist, has incited.  The man, a 75-year-old from Erie has been ticketed for misdemeanor harassment, improper use of a horn, and impeding the flow of traffic. Colorado State Patrol troopers believe that this was the same SUV […]

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Bicycle Accident Concerns High in Boulder & Fort Collins

According to census data, Boulder and Fort Collins have significant percentages of their populations commuting to work by bicycle.  Those percentages are much higher than in many other parts of the country, and consequently, these cities also have a much higher risk of accidents involving bicycles and motor vehicles. According to data from the Census […]

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Where We Are

We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.

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