Denver Personal Injury Lawyers

The recognized leaders in personal injury law

Defective Product

What Should You Do if You’ve Been Exposed to a Defective Drug?

As human beings, getting sick is just part of our experience. However, with the dawn of modern medicine, we now have the ability to be seen by a doctor, diagnosed, and often, prescribed medicines that can help us to feel better more quickly and more effectively than simply living with an ailment, waiting it out, […]

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What Kinds of Safety Testing Are Businesses Required to Do Before Selling a Product?

When consumers buy and use a product, they assume that the product that have been to them sold is safe. However, there are stories in the news all the time about products that are endangering lives, harming consumers, or exposing people to dangerous hazards or toxins. Weren’t these products tested? Weren’t they subjected to a […]

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Where We Are

We are located across the street from Union Station in downtown Denver and offer validated parking for all our clients. We also have offices in Boulder and Colorado Springs.